About Us
Ivy's Tea Co. is a pop culture and Hip-Hop inspired holistic health brand. We have herbal tea and herb-infused sweeteners for the culture. With Ivy's Tea Co. teas, we believe that adulting is easier when you're in your best condition - that starts with getting the nutrients your body needs to perform well. Drinking teas and other herbal infusions are easy ways to nourish your body with the regenerative minerals they need to do just that. You know tea works. We know you know because you drink it when you're in dire need - shivering, shaking, throat burning...and you expect the tea to help you. And you wanna know something? It does. So, why not make it a part of your diet and get the benefits of tea all the time? Stop drinking that regular shmegular tea. It's just crushed tea leaves peppered with pesticides and then dumped into bleached white plastic bags. Betcha thought that bag was cloth didn't you? Drink Ivy's Tea Co. teas, they’re lovingly hand-crafted, full leaf, and organic. All the time. Step your beverage game up, yo.